
Other Media

Super Mario appeared on tremendeous other medias.

Saturday Supercade

Satuday Supercade was a 1983–1984 animated television series produced for Saturday mornings by Ruby-Spears Productions. It ran for two seasons on CBS. It had various Arcade games showd as a cartoon in a segment. One of the examples are Frogger. Another example is Space Ace..

Premise*From Wikipedia

Each episode is composed of several shorter segments featuring video game characters from the golden age of arcade video games.[2]

The segments included:

Pitfall! and Q*bert rotated weekly while the other three were weekly.

During the second season, Q*bert (now weekly) and Donkey Kong remained while the Frogger, Pitfall! and Donkey Kong Jr. segments were replaced by shorts featuring:

Donkey Kong


The Donkey Kong section featured Mario, or Jumpman, in general, escuing Pauline < Who looks a heck like of Princess Peach here) rescuing from Donkey Kong's capture. We also hear Mario speaking for the first time, which has been done by . This is a very important thing. More information can be found at: Wikipedia and http://platypuscomix.com/interactive/kongcartoon.html .

Donkey Kong: The cartoon! website has very interesting and fun facts, which will amaze you. I have to show one of them: (Seriously amazing!)


Donkey Kong (1982) Intellivision box cover art - MobyGames


Intellivision - Donkey Kong


THIS is how Mario and Donkey Kong looked on the Intellivision. It's also why CBS was never given the rights to another Nintendo cartoon. 


The website is fun, you should visit it.


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